Technical Insight

LEDs from Agilent light up displays (New Devices)

OPTO PRODUCTS Palo Alto, CA Agilent has unveiled new seven-segment LED displays that target home appliances, games, cable set-top boxes, point of sale terminals, answering machines and exercise equipment. The display family includes single digit (the HDSP-33xx series) character heights of either 0.3 or 0.4 inch (HDSP-31xx), in addition to single and dual-digit versions at up to 0.56 inch. All the displays employ AlGaAs red, GaP high-efficiency red, GaP green and GaP yellow LEDs (0.56 inch dual-digit in AlGaAs red only). The displays are supplied in industry-standard sizes and pin-outs, and have been designed to offer evenly illuminated segments and uniform segment-to-segment brightness. www.agilent.com
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