Technical Insight

Motorola unveils new SiGe amplifier (New Devices)

WIRELESS PRODUCTS Phoenix, AZ Motorola has introduced a general-purpose wide-band SiGe:C amplifier. Manufactured by the company s RF BiCMOS process, the MBS13916 is housed in a SOT-343R surface-mount package and features on-chip bias control, while matching is achieved off-chip. The device operates at up to 2.5 GHz, and at 900 MHz offers 19 dB of gain for a noise figure of 0.9 dB. Noise rises to 1.9 dB at 1.9 GHz. Available with a voltage supply range covering 2.75.0 V, the circuit offers 45 dB of reverse isolation at the device level (at 900 MHz) www.motorola.com
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