Technical Insight

RF Nitro in global distribution tie-up(GaAs News)

RF Nitro Communications has signed a global distribution deal with Richardson Electronics, a supplier of RF and microwave components. The agreement covers RF Nitro s broadband InGaP/GaAs HBT products and power amplifier MMICs (see Compound Semiconductor June 2001, page 23). Richardson will also stock die-level products and high-frequency evaluation boards for testing amplifier and transistor prototypes. "RF Nitro s current high-performance products will effectively fill a market niche in the 620 GHz range, and its broadband products will address customer demands in the fiber-optic communications area," said Chris Marshall of Richardson. "We are also excited about the potential of RF Nitro s developing GaN technology." RF Nitro supplies GaN epitaxial materials for the microelectronics market and is developing 4 inch GaN wafer technology to produce amplifiers for high-power, high-frequency applications.
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