Technical Insight

News in brief (Materials and Equipment)

  • Inforcomm Semiconductor Corporation has acquired an Aixtron AIX 2600G3 (5 6 inch) production reactor specifically for growing HBT and PHEMT epiwafers. A spin-off from LED manufacturer Epistar, ISC established operations early this year at a 20 000 sq. ft facility in the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park in Taiwan. The company supplies epiwafer foundry services for applications in the wireless communications industry.
  • Tegal has received a follow-on order from Global Communication Technology for its 901G plasma-etch system. GCT will use the tool at its foundry in Hsinchu, Taiwan to produce PHEMT and HBT devices for wireless, information and networking applications.
  • Nitronex has purchased a DIVA pulsed I-V measurement system from Accent Optical Technologies to aid device characterization and modeling at the company s GaN epitaxy and device processing facility in Raleigh, NC. "We see the pulsed I-V system as instrumental in understanding the sources of current dispersion," explained Ric Borges, director of device engineering at Nitronex. "The DIVA system yields critical information on the thermal and mid-gap energy level time constants in our devices."
  • Aixtron has also sold two AIX 2000 reactors to Genoa (Fremont, CA) for the manufacture of linear optical amplifiers. Genoa s device uses a 1550 nm InP-based VCSEL to amplify multiple wavelengths across the C-band (15251560 nm) without introducing cross-talk (see Compound Semiconductor May 2001, page 49).
  • Accent Optical Technologies has made a volume purchase agreement with Osram Opto Semiconductors. Under the agreement Osram will purchase optoelectronics process-control tools, including photoluminescence mappers. The tools will be installed at Osram s new LED production facility in Regensburg, Germany.
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