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Mitsubishi to ship latest SiC power modules


NX-type modules will contribute to more efficient, smaller and lighter industrial equipment

Mitsubishi Electric has begun shipping samples of its new NX-type full-SiC power semiconductor module. The module, which reduces internal inductance and incorporates a second-generation SiC chip, is expected to contribute to the realisation of more efficient, smaller and lighter-weight industrial equipment.

Mitsubishi Electric began releasing power semiconductor modules equipped with SiC chips in 2010. The new module, which features a low-loss SiC chip and optimised electrode structure, reduces internal inductance by 47 percent compared to its existing predecessor, enabling reduced power loss.

The low loss second-generation SiC chip also incorporates JFET doping technology to reduce power loss approximately 72 percent compared to the existing module, contributing to more efficient equipment. The reduced power loss helps to reduce heat generation, allowing use of smaller and lighter-weight coolers, according to the company.

External dimensions and pin configurations are compatible with NX-type modules, facilitating easy replacement to speed up the design of new equipment.

The development of this SiC product have been partially supported by Japan’s New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO).

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