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Marktech introduces new dual chip UVC LEDs

High power 235nm and 255nm devices are double the power output of traditional single-chip UV-LEDs

Marktech Optoelectronics has launched its dual-chip UVC LEDs in 235nm and 255nm wavelengths.

These high-power UVC LEDs are engineered to double the power output of traditional single-chip LEDs, meeting the need for more effective deep UVC light sources for purification and instrumentation applications across various industries.

By integrating two UVC LEDs within a single package, Marktech has successfully doubled the light output, to enhance the efficiency and range of germicidal and analytical applications.

Additionally, Marktech says the high-power output proves vital in improving the performance of air and surface sanitisation and sterilisation solutions where rapid and effective disinfection is necessary.

"These new dual-chip UVC LEDs are a game-changer for industries requiring high-intensity disinfection solutions," said Vince Forte, CTO at Marktech Optoelectronics. They provide more power, efficiency, and increased safety utilizing the 235nm UV range, aligning with our sustainability and health safety commitment."

Marktech Optoelectronics continues to lead the way in UV technology by providing innovative solutions that address the complex challenges faced by design engineers and health safety professionals today. The new dual-chip UVC LEDs are now available, offering next-level performance in water-quality sensors and high-reliability germicidal applications.

The company says that it has ultra-high power four-chip deep UVC LEDs and addressable dual-chip deep UVC LEDs in the pipeline.

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