News Article

Coherent raises efficiency of InP CW lasers

O-band lasers achieve 15 percent higher power efficiency than industry standard

Laser and networking firm Coherent has launched a range of high-efficiency continuous wave (CW) distributed feedback (DFB) lasers.

Designed to operate in the O-band (1310 nm region), the InP lasers are claimed to redefine the capabilities of silicon photonics modulators used in 800G and 1.6T optical transceivers.

Featuring a proprietary low series-resistance design, the lasers achieve approximately 15 percent greater power efficiency compared with the current industry standard. This breakthrough addresses the critical demand for reduced power consumption in silicon photonics transceivers, providing customers with a clear edge in operational efficiency.

“Our new family of CW lasers for silicon photonics is creating a wave of excitement among industry leaders,” said Kou-Wei Wang, VP of InP Directly Modulated Lasers & Photodiodes. “By lowering power consumption, we’re addressing one of the most pressing challenges faced by our customers today. And with our upcoming expansion to a state-of-the-art 6-inch InP fab in Sherman, Texas, by 2026, we expect production capacity to be 5x our current production rate, a significant ramp given the complexity of this material. We are committed to leading the market with technology and supply chain capacity as our customers increase demand in the InP laser sector.”

The first offering in this laser family is a 70 mW 1310 nm laser, designed for uncooled, non-hermetic operation up to an impressive 85°C junction temperature. Commercial shipments of this laser begin in September 2024. Coherent will release a higher-power laser for cooled operations, along with lasers tailored for the CWDM grid, in 2025.

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