News Article

EPC Space launches rad Hard HEMTKY line

HEMT with embedded Schottky diode offers predictable conduction losses with no reverse recovery charge

EPC Space, a provider of radiation hardened GaN-on-silicon transistors and ICs, has announced the launch of HEMTKY product line.

A HEMTKY is a HEMT with an embedded Schottky diode. The presence of this antiparallel Schottky diode in the HEMTKY structure minimises third quadrant conduction losses in the absence of GaN HEMT synchronous driving.

One notable advantage of this technology, according to the company, are the predictable conduction losses with no reverse recovery charge. There is also reduced system sensitivity to half-bridge deadtime variance, and reduced negative voltage stress on gate drivers.

For 500-unit quantities, engineering models are priced at $212 each, while space level units are priced at $315 each.


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