Siemens launches SiC-based e-Starter

Siemens Smart Infrastructure has launched its first fully electronic starter with semiconductor technology. Compared to conventional circuit breakers or fuses, the SIC MOSFET-based SIMATIC ET 200SP offers short-circuit protection 1000 times faster (it switches off in less than 4 µs).
“Siemens is the first manufacturer with a fully electronic starter that is completely integrated into ET 200SP and TIA Portal and specifically addresses two challenges in the industrial sector: applications prone to short circuits and high current peaks when starting high efficiency motors," said Andreas Matthé, CEO of Electrical Products at Siemens Smart Infrastructure.
High inrush currents are typical for high-efficiency motors, e.g. those in energy efficiency classes IE3 and IE4, and can lead to unintended trips of the protection device. Siemens says that the phase-optimised switching and Smart Start of the SIMATIC ET 200SP e-Starter neutralise the inrush currents and significantly reduce the starting currents and therefore the electrical load on the grid during start-up. In addition, the torque surges that occur during a direct start are minimised as well, noticeably reducing the mechanical wear. This means that less maintenance work is required – a valuable benefit for applications with a high switching rate.
The new starter will make its public debut at the Smart Production Solutions (SPS) trade fair held from November 12 to 14, 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany.
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