News Article

Picogiga: Backlog Increasing Again

The strong orders received in March increased backlog up to Euros 8.4 million (FRF 55 million) at the end of March, a sharp increase compared to the end of February (7.2 million), the previous record (see our press release issued on March 3).

Therefore the orders booked are substantially over the invoices already very important. The existing production capacity is saturated. It will progressively be increased by the starting of three epitaxy Riber 6000 reactors, according to the expected instalment agenda: March, June and September. These machines (three times more productive than the previous ones) must answer the strong demands of the markets and double the production capacity by summer and triple it by the end of the year.

Chairman Linh Nuyen, says; "We register double growth trends: not only the wireless is strongly expanding, but also our HEMT products are penetrating more and more this market. This phenomenon is not limited to one single customer because the demand for HEMT products comes from several customers."

Linh Nuyen as a conclusion; "I take this opportunity to thank all our customers for the confidence they give our company, both for the quality of our products and our services. All PICOGIGA staff members surpass themselves to serve our customers just in time. Our gains in productivity have been increasing spectacularly for several months. In fact, to match with the mobile phones activity which is ours, cost reduction is a key issue for the company."

P.S. The audited 1999 results and those of 2000 Quarter 1 will be published on April 19th, 2000, during the General Meeting.

Shareholders information: 33 1 69 31 61 14
E-mail: picogiga@worldnet.fr

PICOGIGA World Leader in Gallium Arsenide.


E-mail: picogiga@worldnet.fr

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