Technical Insight

Microsemi unveils WCDMA PA (New Devices)

Santa Ana, CA. Microsemi has unveiled a high efficiency linear PA targeting 3 V mobile hand-held devices. Manufactured using the company s new InGaP/GaAs HBT RFIC process, the MWS11-PH43-CS is designed for use as a final RF amplifier in WCDMA and CDMA2000 applications, spread spectrum systems and other linear applications in the 18002000 MHz band. Two 16 pin package versions exist for these PAs: a 3 3 mm2 chip scale package (CSP) with external input/output match, and an internally I/O matched module. Operating from a single 3 V supply, typical features of these devices include 27 dBm of linear output power, 28 dB of linear gain, 40% linear efficiency and an idle current of 70 mA (see ). www.microsemi.com
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