Technical Insight

Medical camera uses CdZnTe (Nitride News)

eV Products has developed a CdZnTe camera for medical diagnostic applications in partnership with Anzai Medical of Tokyo, Japan. The imaging system, which combines CdZnTe chips manufactured by eV Products with Anzai s small-field-of-view camera design, detects gamma radiation and provides images of internal organs. According to eV Products, the camera offers images with much higher resolution than comparable sodium iodide scintillation detectors. CdZnTe has a density of 5.78 g/cm3, which makes it an excellent material for stopping high-energy gamma rays. As a gamma ray impinges, it creates an electron-hole pair in the CdZnTe material (nominal bandgap 1.56 eV) that can be weighted and converted to a signal. The detector is 5 mm thick, and absorbs up to 89% of the incoming 140 keV gamma rays from a 99Tc source (technetium isotope with an atomic weight of 99). The device used in the new camera is a metalsemiconductormetal Cd0.9Zn0.1Te chip patterned into 256 pixels, each spaced at 2 mm intervals. The active area measures 32 32 mm. According to marketing manager Chris Bickel, a key advantage is room temperature operation. "While high-purity Ge detectors offer better performance, they need to be cooled, which adds considerably to the cost," says Bickel. "Our CdZnTe detector is designed to operate in the required temperature range [from 30 to 80C] with little or no change in response, which makes it ideal for a number of applications, including direct contact with the skin of a patient," Bickel adds.
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