News Article

Oslon stabilises the temperature in its new SSL LED

By reducing the variation of the luminous flux in the LED at elevated temperatures, it is now possible to retain a virtually constant luminous efficacy at high application temperatures

The new generation of high-power Oslon SSL-LEDs by Osram Opto Semiconductors will be appreciated by users for their improved performance, with an efficiency increase of approximately 25 percent. 



The new Oslon SSL LEDs by Osram Opto Semiconductors generate a particularly high light output with a long lifetime on a small surface - even at high temperatures

Thanks to this optimisation, the luminaire design is significantly simplified and the new generation of Oslon SSL LEDs, presents a particularly temperature stable light source. The LED provides a luminous flux of typically 98 lm in warm white (3,000 K), with an operating current of 350 mA at an application temperature of 85°C in the chip.

With its typical luminous efficacy of 96 lm/W, referring to the ratio between luminous flux and expended electrical output, it is among the most efficient 1 mm²-Chip-LEDs presently to be found on the market. The combination of higher luminous flux and reduced forward voltage of 3.1 V provides an efficiency increase of approximately 25 percent, when compared with the previous generation.

For manufacturers of lighting solutions, this makes luminaire development much easier: a smaller number of LEDs attains the same luminous flux, as well as the same efficiency as before.

State-of-the-art technology in use The latest developments in chip technology, converters, and package are the secret to the performance optimisation of the Oslon SSL. The higher temperature stability of its luminous flux, even when operating under “hot” application conditions, significantly simplifies thermal management. “This efficiency enhancement not only implies a reduction of the initial costs incurred by our customers, it also makes the development of luminaire solutions so much easier,” says Martin Wittmann, responsible marketing manager at Osram Opto.

Particularly small and bright The new Osram Oslon SSL LEDs are available in the light colour “warm white” (3,000 K), suitable for interior lighting (type EC), for instance in downlights, as well as in “cold white” (5,000 K), for use in exterior lighting (type PC).

Like the previous products of the Oslon SSL-range, the new arrivals are also available in a compact size of 3 mm x 3 mm and offer two different lenses. Thanks to the reflectivity of the package, the light that is irradiated to the side or to the back is reflected and can be used again. “Thus, this LED generation, which combines the converter and reflective package, ensures the best possible light colour homogeneity over angle,” Martin Wittmann adds.

Technical Data (at 350 mA operating current):

Component size                                        3 mm x 3 mm

Radiation characteristic                          80° / 150°

Lifetime                                                       > 50,000 hours (L70/B50 at Tj=125°C)

Light colours and CRI at 3,000 K           80 minimum

                                        at 5,000 K                             70 typical

Luminous efficacy at 3,000 K                  96 lm/W (Tj = 85°C) typical

                                  at          5,000 K         111 lm/W (Tj = 85°C) typical

Luminous flux at 3,000 K                          98 lm typical

                               5,000 K                          113 lm typical

Forward voltage                                           2.9 V typical

Osram Opto's product portfolio is continually being expanded by additional colour temperatures.
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