News Article

SoloPower's CIGS flexible solar panel breaks barriers

The aperture efficiency of the firm’s independently tested panel has increased from 11.2% to 13.4%. The efficiency was improved by using new processes implemented in SoloPower’s roll to roll production line


SoloPower says its next generation panel has achieved an aperture area efficiency of 13.4%. This, says the firm, is a record for flexible CIGS based modules. 

The result was verified independently by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

SoloPower CIGS PV module

“Importantly, the cells were made in SoloPower’s San Jose manufacturing facility, so we know we have the systems in place to deliver high-efficiency, light-weight, flexible modules to our customers around the globe,” says SoloPower CEO Tim Harris. 

“This benchmark is a testament to our technology team and to our commitment to continuously pushing the envelope in power and performance, while reducing costs for our customers.”


“SoloPower’s achievement of an aperture efficiency of 13.4% for our flexible CIGS modules is a result of efficiency improvement projects that have been in place during the past two years,” adds Mustafa Pinarbasi, CTO at SoloPower. 

“We were the first company to certify flexible CIGS modules to UL 1703 and IEC standards (61646 and 61730) in 2010. We have improved the efficiency from 11.2% to 13.4% with new processes implemented in our roll to roll production line and have a strong pipeline of improvements yet to come this year.”

At this time, SoloPower is hiring engineers and technicians for its high-volume manufacturing facility in Portland, Oregon, which will begin commercial production later this year. SoloPower’s operations in Portland are ultimately expected to have a capacity of 400 MW and employ 450 people.


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