News Article

Red nitride LED phosphor patent granted to Intematix

The firm's chemical formulation lowers the concentration of oxygen impurities in the material structure. This leads to improved reliability under high temperature and humidity conditions and increases light output efficiency
Intematix Corporation has been issued its patent covering red nitride phosphor compositions used in LEDs by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). 

The patent was allowed in August and officially issued on September 25th 2012.

Intematix’s U.S. Patent No. 8,274,215, entitled “Nitride-based Red Phosphors” is the 18th U.S. patent issued to Intematix in the area of LED phosphors and the 71st U.S Patent overall.

LED manufacturers worldwide have implemented Intematix’s red nitride product portfolio in order to produce high performance and quality lighting products.

“Our novel chemical formulation lowers the concentration of oxygen impurities in the material structure, leading to improved reliability under high temperature and humidity conditions,” explains Yi-Qun Li, Chief Technology Officer at Intematix, “This design increases light output efficiency and produces longer emission wavelengths when powered by the blue light from the LED chip.”

Red phosphor technology plays a fundamental role enabling high quality LED lighting with high colour rendering index (CRI). Due to the high thermal stability of nitride technology in particular, LEDs may operate at higher temperature, power and light output per unit, lowering the costs of lighting. 

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