News Article
Cree raises the bar with 1200V SiC power device
The company says it is introducing industry’s first fully qualified, production-ready all-silicon carbide power module
Cree is introducing the first commercially available all-SiC Cree power module, the CAS100H12AM1.
The new high frequency module, rated at 100A current handling and 1200V blocking, allows higher efficiency, compact and lighter weight systems that can result in lower total system costs compared to conventional silicon-based technologies.

CAS100H12AM1 1200V, 100A, SiC Half-Bridge Module
“An all-SiC module with these specifications enables us to meet our transit customers’ demands for reduced size and weight of auxiliary power converters, while meeting efficiency and cost targets,” says Fisal Al-Kayal, innovation and research engineer, Alstom Belgium Transport.
The module includes SiC MOSFETs and SiC Schottky diodes in a 50mm half-bridge configuration rated to 150°C maximum junction temperature.
The SiC components enable the module to be operated at exceptionally high switching frequencies that can reduce the size, weight and cost of the power conversion system. The new power module has demonstrated up to 100kHz switching frequency. Target applications include high power converters, industrial motor drives, solar inverters and uninterruptible power supplies.
“The 1200V, 100A dual module extends our existing discrete MOSFET and diode products into higher power applications,” explains Mrinal Das, product marketing manager, Cree Power and RF. “The efficient switching characteristics of an all-SiC module should allow system designers to meet customer demands for reduced size, weight and cost of the end-system, while reducing global energy consumption. Already, Cree SiC power devices have eliminated an estimated one million metric tons of annual CO2 emissions – the equivalent to planting 95 million trees.”
Parts are available for immediate shipping through Digi-Key Corporation and Mouser Electronics (CAS100H12AM1). Sample gate drivers are available upon request to Cree for module customers.