News Article

Everlight expands LED signage portfolio

The firm's five new 3-in-1 full colour nitride LEDs and lamps for indoor, semi-outdoor and outdoor applications, combine performance with efficiency
Taiwanese firm, Everlight Electronics has extended its signage LED portfolio with five new products for indoor, semi-outdoor and outdoor applications.

Two new compact SMD Chip type LEDs, the 18-038 (1010 package) and the 19-037A (1616 package) are ideally suited for indoor LED applications. Both the 18-038 (1 x 1 x 0.5 mm) and the 19-037A (1.6 x 1.6 x 0.9 mm) LED series are much smaller than lead frame type components, thus enabling smaller board sizes, reduced package and storage space and a higher packing density, resulting in smaller equipment.

SMD LED 18-038 Chip    SMD LED 19-037A Chip

Everlight says they represent the next level of SMD LED technology by implementing a black PCB which enhances the contrast and an advantageous solution for high contrast and high resolution indoor signage displays.

Two new SMD PLCC type LEDs add to Everlight’s Hong LED family, designed for advanced indoor (HN0325) or semi-outdoor (HN0507) LED signage display applications. The Hong series LED package provides a good solution when a clear view of the signage display is required on boards of any size. Using 3-in-1 full colour, SMD PLCC LEDs offer a smaller pixel pitch between two LEDs to create a high resolution and better contrast thanks to their black surface design.

       SMD PLCC LED HN0325               SMD PLCC LED HN0507
      for advanced indoor use                  for semi-outdoor use

The  3474AH series LED lamps, which come in a 3mm oval package, feature an extensive wide viewing angle of 110° and UV curable epoxy with enhanced chemical resistance. They are thus suited to outdoor applications and have been specifically designed for passenger information signs. The 3474AH LED lamps have matched radiation patterns ensuring consistent colour mixing in red, green and blue mixed-colour applications.

Everlight 3474AH signage LED lamps in red, green and blue

Everlight has an LED signage board on display at the electronica conference in booth A3.307.

Sample are available on request and are currently in mass production.
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