News Article

Compound Semiconductor launches its own app

This new app for iPhones, iPads and iPods allows you to keep bang-up-to-date with the CS industry while on the move
The last few years have witnessed a fundamental shift in the way we access the web. Many of us now use smartphones and tablets to go on-line, because this makes it easy for us to keep up to date with what’s going on throughout the day.

To reflect these changes, our team at Compound Semiconductor has launched a new app for iPhones, iPads and iPods, which can be downloaded here.

Downloading this app will enable you to keep up to date with the following:

·      Our comprehensive, timely and trusted news output
·      Our in-depth, incisive news analysis pieces that delve behind the headlines
·      Our technology-based features, which are written by experts from industry and academia
·      Our interviews with the leading companies in the compound semiconductor industry
·      Our events calendar, so you can see what you should be attending, and when

So why not download now, and keep abreast of all that is happening in the CS community wherever you are.

If you experience any difficulty in installing the app, or require further information, contact scott.adams@angelbc.com

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