News Article

CGD brings GaN benefits to motor control


Evaluation kit to feature Qorvo’s BLDC/PMSM motor controller/driver and CGD’s ICeGaN ICs

Cambridge GaN Devices (CGD) is partnering with Qorvo to develop a reference design and evaluation kit (EVK) that showcases GaN for motor control applications.

CGD aims to speed the use of GaN power ICs in BLDC and PMSM applications, resulting in higher power, highly efficient, compact and reliable systems. Qorvo is building an EVK for its PAC5556A motor/control IC that is powered by CGD’s ICeGaN (IC-enhanced GaN) technology.

Georgia Longobardi, CGD's CEO said: “Because ICeGaN – unlike other GaN implementations from other companies – integrates the interface circuitry but not the controller together with the GaN HEMT, it is simple to combine with highly integrated motor controller and drive ICs such as Qorvo’s PAC5556A 600 V high performance BLDC / PMSM motor controller and driver.”

Jeff Strang, general manager of Qorvo's power management business unit said: “Wide bandgap semiconductors such as GaN and SiC are being actively considered in various motor control applications for the power density and efficiency benefits they bring. CGD’s ICeGaN technology offers ease of use and reliability, two crucial factors for motor control and drive designers. We are excited to see the reaction of design engineers when they experience the power of GaN combined with our highly integrated PAC5556A 600V BLDC motor control solution.”

The reference design is available today, and EVK RD5556GaN will be available for purchase in Q324. It will also be shown on CGD’s booth at the PCIM exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany, 11-13 June. Qorvo will also exhibit at PCIM.

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