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News Article

Picogiga Strengthens in UK and Taiwan where Gallium Arsenide Technology Intensifies

PICOGIGA recently signed sales representation agreements with Mi-Net Technologies in the UK and Marketech International Corp. in Taiwan to develop sales in these two regions. The two agents, Mi-Net and Marketech, are already familiar with Gallium Arsenide products; so they will require no time to become operational and provide excellent customer service.

Chairman Linh Nuyen says: " Up to now, Gallium Arsenide technology developed strongly in the United States and Japan thanks to numerous players in these countries. The importance of this technology in mobile wireless, a very rapidly growing business worldwide, favours the blossoming of new companies, especially in Europe and Taiwan. With the signing of these commercial agreements, PICOGIGA intends to reinforce its worldwide leadership. The impact of these agreements on our turnover will be realised next year. During this year-end 1999, the current backlog is keeping our process lines fully occupied. The investments in progress will enable to respond to the strong growth expected in 2000 ." P.S.

Linh T. Nuyen, President
Tel: +33 1 69 31 61 00;
Fax: +33 1 69 31 61 78
E-mail: picogiga@worldnet.fr
Shareholders information: Tel: +33 1 69 31 61 14

Linh T. Nuyen, President
Tel: +33 1 69 31 61 00;
Fax: +33 1 69 31 61 78
E-mail: picogiga@worldnet.fr
Shareholders information: Tel: +33 1 69 31 61 14
E-mail: picogiga@worldnet.fr

Secure Your Hydrogen Supply

A study supply of high-purity hydrogen is critical to semiconductor fabrication. Supply chain interruptions are challenging manufacturers, leading to production slowdowns and stoppages. On-site hydrogen generation offers a scalable alternative for new and existing fabs, freeing the operator from dependence on delivered gas.

Plant managers understand the critical role that hydrogen plays in semiconductor fabrication. That important job includes crystal growth, carrier gas, wafer annealing, and in the emerging Extreme UV Lithography (EUV) that will enable new generations of devices. As the vast need for semiconductors grows across all sectors of world economies, so does the need for high-purity hydrogen.

Take control with Nel on-site hydrogen generation.

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