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Riber announces MBE cluster order from Vexlum

MBE 412 cluster will equip autonomous pilot line for making optical devices in Finland

French MBE company Riber has sold a fully automated MBE 412 cluster platform in Finland.

Based in Tampere, Finland, Vexlum, a supplier of advanced laser devices for quantum technology applications, has ordered the MBE cluster system to establish a pilot line for the growth of optical devices covering the visible and near-infrared spectrum.

This line will mainly focus on VECSEL structures while also exploring other innovative technologies.

The MBE 412 cluster is a platform compatible with 4 inch substrates, offering flexibility in terms of equipment, modularity, and adaptability, allowing users to extend the machine's capabilities.

Equipped with the EZ TOOL instrumentation package for real-time in situ growth control and powered by the Crystal XE control software, this fully automated system is the first of its kind in Finland, and the 25th in operation since its launch in 2010.

This new order will be delivered in 2025.

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