News Article

EU bites back at China for dumping solar in Europe

German firm CdTe manufacturer Calyxo welcomes new regulations after the company was able to survive the years of Chinese dumping in Germany

Many manufacturers of CdTe and CIGS thin film solar panels in Europe are welcoming the agreements between the EU and China over imports of Chinese Solar panels.

New laws will apply to Chinese modules offering a minimum price of EUR (€) 0.56/Wp in the European region in the near future.

For customers of Chinese companies, which will buy at lower prices, punitive tariffs in a range from 37.2 to 67.9 percent will apply, as EU Trade Commissioner De Gucht has declared.

As one of few companies in the European Union, Calyxo was one of the firms able to survive the years of Chinese dumping in Germany.

With a current capacity of 85 MW, Calyxo says it is the largest CdTe module manufacturer in Europe. The firm continues to provide affordable modules made in Germany based on an innovative atmospheric production process and also offers suitable mounting systems, complete design and installation of PV-systems.

"Module prices below €0.56 / Wp can be realised without any problem by Calyxo today and marginal higher BOS costs can be compensated by our customers based on a price advantage of the modules and additional yield of thin film modules. As a consequence, our customers not only have lower investment costs, but also a better return on their investment. Our capacity expansion at Thalheim comes online exactly at the right point in time," says CEO Florian Holzapfel.

Calyxo claims CdTe modules have a better yield - performance than crystalline modules due to excellent temperature coefficients and good performance under low light conditions.

With the production line expansion at Thalheim, Calyxo is now able to mass produce its low cost CdTe modules.

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