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Soraa's 120V LED lamps push boundaries

The new transformer-free GaN on GaN based LED lamps surpass halogen performance and capability

Soraa has launched the first line of high colour rendering LED MR16 GU10 120V line voltage lamps.

The company claims it has released a 100 spot version, not available in halogen or from other LED manufacturers, as well as a 250 version that has a centre beam candle power higher than halogen and all other LED GU10 products in the market place worldwide.

MR16 GU10 10o LED lamp

Now transformer-free, full visible spectrum Soraa LED lamps that render the widest range of colours in the objects that we see, without ultraviolet or infrared radiation are available.

“Soraa’s no compromise, full-visible-spectrum, high colour rendering LED MR16 lamps are simply the best on the market today. Our products provide you unmatched light output, beautiful beams, unprecedented rendering of colours and whites, full dimmability, long lamp life, dramatically improved energy efficiency, and excellent compatibility. All these features are made possible through our proprietary GaN on GaN technology,“ says Tom Caulfield, President and COO of Soraa.

“With our GU10 versions, you no longer need a transformer and we’ve made available beam and output options that didn’t previously exist in the market, because of limitations with all other technologies.”

The company’s harmonious, continuous full visible spectrum GaN on GaN LED MR16 lamps, with a CRI of 95 and R9 of 95, render deep reds and cyans dramatically and have no spectral “blue-peak”.

And just like natural light, Soraa’s lamps contain violet light, which excites optical brightening agents present in fabrics and fibres and renders whites truly. The company’s lamps exceed the colour metrics of other LED lamps, without the manipulation of spectra that are commonly seen in other manufacturer’s products.

Soraa’s GaN on GaN LEDs pack a lot of light into a small area, emitting ten times more light per unit area of LED material than LEDs built on lower quality foreign substrates.

As a result, the company’s lamps have a single light source that casts a perfect beam and a single clear shadow; bringing out textures and contrast to flawlessly illuminate any environment.

"Making Soraa's wonderful light available in a GU10 base solves a lot of problems for users- transformer compatibility for instance. It also makes it easier to install in homes, reducing overall installation and fixturing costs,” comments Randall Whitehead, internationally recognised lighting designer and author. “I'm thrilled that I can get that beautiful light in a mains voltage product."

Soraa’s new MR16 GU10 lamps are compatible with a very wide range of dimmers, which the company has tested and characterised extensively through its Works with Soraa program. And the company’s novel heatsink design and thermal management system make their lamps suitable for use in enclosed fixtures, damp locations and outdoor applications.

Soraa’s new MR16 GU10 100 lamp works with the company’s innovative magnetic attachment SNAP System, and the Premium 2 100 version of the lamp has a centre beam candle power of 7120Cd and the 250 has 2140Cd - twice that of halogen.

Pioneering lamps using second generation LEDs built from pure gallium nitride substrates (GaN on GaN), Soraa has made ordinary lighting extraordinarily vibrant, brilliant and efficient. Soraa's says its full spectrum GaN on GaN LED lamps have superior colour rendering and beam characteristics compared to performance limited lamps using LEDs created from non-native substrates.

Founded in 2008, Soraa is located in Fremont, California, where it manufactures its GaN on GaN LEDs in the company's facility.

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