News Article

Sivers Semis signs data centre laser array MOU

$4.3m program to focus on qualification, pre-production testing and volume manufacturing scale-up

Sivers Semiconductors has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with an optical infrastructure company around volume production of high-performance laser arrays.

The $4.3m program will focus on qualification, pre-production sampling and testing and volume manufacturing scale-up.

With hyperscale and next-generation data centres struggling with power constraints, bandwidth limitations and rising operational costs, the shift from copper to optical I/O interconnects has become critical to offer the necessary bandwidth, efficiency, and scalability to meet demands of AI workloads and data-intensive applications.

“Our high-performance laser arrays are essential to accelerating the adoption of optical interconnects in AI data centers,” said Vickram Vathulya, CEO of Sivers Semiconductors. “This latest MOU represents a significant milestone for our company and we are fully committed to ensuring the timely availability of our laser arrays for high-volume production deployments.”


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Take control with Nel on-site hydrogen generation.

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