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Yole foresees bright prospects for the future of the small-dimension wafer industry


“The small-wafer (1’’ - 6’’) market is anything but “dead”,” asserts Gaël Giusti, PhD., Technology & Market Analyst specializing in Semiconductor Manufacturing and Equipment & Materials at Yole Développement (Yole).

Released today, the 6’’ and Below: Small-Dimension Wafer Market Trends report gives detailed analysis of the small-dimension wafer market by material, application, and diameter.

In this new report, performed by Yole’s semiconductor manufacturing team, the company paints a valuable picture of a prosperous industry.

The market research & strategy consulting company [forecasts] "1,8% CAGR between 2019 and 2025 and estimated revenues of US$5.4 billion in 2025. More than Moore applications represent the overwhelming part of this market, and as such it is still very dynamic. In fact, non-Si wafer markets exhibit moderate to strong CAGRs over the 2019 - 2025 period: for example, 19.5% for SiC, with revenues estimated at US$712 million in 2025. Only Si exhibits a moderate negative CAGR, with -3.3% over the same period for sub-6’’ Si wafers, due mostly to power and RF applications increasingly transitioning to 8’’ and even 12’’, comments Gael Giusti, PhD, Technology & Market Analyst at Yole.

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