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Lynred to exhibit Eyesential SWIR sensor for machine vision

Company launches affordable sensor were sensitivity, low noise and ease-of-use are key
Infrared sensor company Lynred has launched Eyesential SW, its latest VGA format shortwave (SWIR) infrared sensor for machine vision.

According to the company, Eyesential SW, a 640x512, 10 µm pitch, SWIR (0.9-1.7µm) sensor with 14-bit digital output and COTS packaging, has the performance and features that industry is looking for at half the price of comparable IR sensors on the market. It also includes specific functions for spectroscopy applications, such as spectral line selection/deselection.

Featuring a high-frame rate (300Hz full frame / 1200 Hz ¼ full frame), high sensitivity and low noise, Eyesential SW is suited to the automation and data exchange trends in industry 4.0 manufacturing, which require enhanced detection capabilities and improved real-time detection on production lines.

“Lynred’s latest innovation, Eyesential SW, strikes the right balance between performance and cost for machine vision, making it a top choice for shortwave infrared sensors on the market. This SWIR sensor puts an end to the dilemma of equipment makers having to compromise on performance or price,” said Pierre Jenouvrier, cooled product division director at Lynred.

He added: “The integrity of our InGaAs technology, underpinning Eyesential SW and focusing on affordability, will give customers a new level of cost-effective VGA format SWIR sensors which better address machine vision market demands.”

This new sensor complements Lynred’s SWIR product portfolio, which includes Snake SW (640x512 / 15 µm), dedicated to high-end machine vision applications, and its recently acquired NIT SWIR modules.

In the kit Lynred offers to operate Eyesential SW are an electronic board, including mechanical and optical interfaces (C-Mount), and the Lynred Software Toolbox.

Eyesential SW will be on display at SPIE Photonics West on booth #5029, taking place in San Francisco (CA), January 28 – 30, 2025.
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