News Article

QD Laser reveals yellow-green and orange laser modules

With high-speed modulation capability, the semiconductor lasers are suited for applications in the field of life science and biomedicine.


QD Laser and the Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, the University of Tokyo have developed new compact laser modules of 561-nm (Yellow-green) and 594-nm (Orange) wavelengths.

The prototypes of the yellow-green and orange laser modules will be exhibited at SPIE Photonics West (Booth#5307), held from January 24, 2012, in San Francisco. 

Based on the same module platform developed for high-power, compact green laser modules, QD Laser and the University of Tokyo have successfully extended the wavelength band to yellow-green and orange visible colour region. 

These compact modules are promising for a wide range of applications, especially in the field of life science and biomedicine use such as florescence microscopes, spectral analysis, or gas sensing.

This development is supported in part by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and Project for Developing Innovation Systems conducted by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.

QD Laser and the University of Tokyo have finely tuned the oscillation wavelength of near infrared single-mode lasers based on semiconductor DFB (Distributed Feedback) laser technology as well as operating wavelength of PPLN (Periodically poled LiNbO3) crystal for wavelength conversion to 561 nm and 594 nm, putting them together in recently developed compact modules of about 0.5 cc. The size of the module is 5.6 x 3.8 x 22 mm. 

These modules successfully operate in yellow-green and orange wavelengths. Diode pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers are usually used in the wavelength of green, yellow, to orange. The new compact module, based on semiconductor laser technology, enables drastic compactness, high stability in power and wavelength, and high-speed modulation, providing common platform in many application areas.

QD Laser is now developing the new laser modules to contribute to the market-leading customers in addition to green laser modules, QLD0593 series.

Figure.1 Projected laser light of 561, and 594 nm from the compact laser modules
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